Draw Along Critters with France

Making portraits without the pressure of exact resemblance

Draw Along Critters with France.

Draw Along Critters with France is available in the shop — and don’t miss the FREE, 30-minute video of Pixie!

FREE video of drawing Pixie.

Please feel free to share the drawings below that you’re most proud of from this course.


I have so many Moleskines filled with Wagonized drawings that I do not remember which one belongs to which class. Here are some of my favorite dogs

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These are so alive, Marcel!

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Thank you Chris, I am quite proud if them :sunglasses:

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There’s my Pixie girl! :heart:

Here’s my version of her.


Looks like there’s some Chihuahua going on here. :slight_smile:

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Chiweenie! Part chihuahua and part dachshund (weenie dog) :grin:

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