Draw Along 2, Portrait #7

So yesterday when I posted pencil guy, I mistakenly labeled it as number 7. I fixed it! THIS is #7. I had a super hard time with it, and I’m now looking forward to the next one!


Judy, this is amazing! I’m going to try the toned paper. Do you prefer the tan or grey? Do you prefer pen or pencil on it?


I love both, but my fav combo is the blue pen on gray paper! This one here was done on some darker tan craft paper. I need to find a better way to take pics of my drawings!

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The final result is beautiful with splashing highlights!
What is the size of your portraits?
I’m still searching for a convenient size. Too small makes it difficult for details and correct positioning of facial features. Too big makes the lines for crosshatching long and challenging. Of course it depends on the used materials (pen vs pencil).


Thanks!! I usually draw on 5.5”x8.5” or 6”x9”. However, this particular drawing is done on 8.5”x11” craft paper because for me it would have been too small & fiddly to do on that half-sheet size!

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Somehow I thought they were larger. My mind says: loose piece of paper is A4/letter-format.
My paper is 6"x8". There is a difference in the size of portrait. For example portrait 4 with all the detailed folds of her scarf is full page. With pen I tend to draw smaller.

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And yet you make it look effortless!


i agree with @dieselrabbit. I don’t seem to see any struggles in this one for you. There’s something about how the values are in blocks that make this portrait rendering very appealing. Almost vintage!


Yeah, also a hard one for me. But I loved the challenge.


Yours looks great! :clap:t2:

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Here’s my attempt at portrait 7. Once again, I probably didn’t go dark enough with values.


I find it a good realistic portrait with nice crosshatching. I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels coherent. If you look at your picture in black and white you are spot on. But that is just my opinion…

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I applaud all of you for your lovely #7 portraits. My green Bic attempt was so awful I went with Blackwing Matte and 3H. The hand and camera need work, I know!


This is fab! For me, this was the most difficult portrait to draw in the series!

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Very nice! Great job! I’ll attempt it soon. :blush:

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